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Theologian Trading Cards
   Zondervan - 2012

Notes: Cards were distributed in a collector's box, with poly-sealed "team sets." Content 
was developed by Norman Jeune III. Further information and scans are posted at the 
Zondervan website.

   Name                              Lifespan             Martyr?

Athens Metaphysicians                Philosophers

   Aristotle                          384- 322 BC
   Francis Bacon                     1561-1626
   Simon de Beauvoir                 1908-1986
   Jacques Derrida                   1930-2004
   René Descartes                    1596-1650
   Ludwig Feuerbach                  1804-1872
   Michel Foucault                   1926-1984
   Hans-Georg Gadamer                1900-2002
   G. W. F. Hegel                    1770-1831
   Martin Heidegger                  1889-1976
   David Hume                        1711-1776
   Immanuel Kant                     1724-1804
   S¿ren Kierkegaard                 1813-1855
   Karl Marx                         1818-1883
   Friedrich Nietzsche               1844-1900
   Plato                              428- 347 BC
   Plotinus                           204- 270
   Paul Ricoeur                      1913-2005
   Jean-Jacques Rousseau             1712-1778
   Benedict de Spinoza               1632-1677
   A. N. Whitehead                   1861-1947
   Ludwig Wittgenstein               1889-1951

Avignon Crusaders                    Medieval (excludes mystics and monks)

   Peter Abelard                     1079-1142
   Albertus Magnus                       -1280
   Dante Alighieri                   1265-1321
   Anselm of Canterbury              1033-1109
   Gabriel Biel                      1420-1495
   Boethius                           480- 524
   Bonaventure                       1221-1274
   Boniface VIII                     1234-1303
   Gregory I                          540- 604
   Jan Hus                           1372-1415
   Innocent III                      1160-1216
   Peter Lombard                     1100-1160
   Nicholas of Cusa                  1400-1464
   John Duns Scotus                  1266-1308
   Thomas à Kempis                   1380-1471
   Thomas Aquinas                    1225-1274
   William of Ockham                 1290-1349
   John Wyclif                       1329-1384

Berlin Aggiornamentos                Contemporary

   Rudolf Bultmann                   1884-1976
   James Cone                        1938-
   John Dominic Crossan              1934-
   Martin Dibelius                   1883-1947
   James D. G. Dunn                  1939-
   Gerhard Ebeling                   1912-2001
   Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza      1938-
   Gustavo Gutiérrez                 1928-
   Adolf von Harnack                 1851-1930
   Wilhelm Herrmann                  1846-1922
   Ernst Käsemann                    1906-1998
   Kosuke Koyama                     1929-2009
   Gerhard von Rad                   1901-1971
   Walter Raushenbusch               1861-1918
   Hermann Samuel Reimarus           1694-1768
   Albrecht Ritschl                  1822-1869
   John A. T. Robinson               1919-1983
   Rosemary Radford Ruether          1936-
   E. P. Sanders                     1937-
   Albert Schweitzer                 1875-1965
   Friedrich Schleiermacher          1768-1834
   Krister Stendahl                  1921-2008
   David Friedrich Strauss           1808-1874
   Paul Tillich                      1886-1965
   Johannes Weiss                    1863-1914
   William Wrede                     1859-1906

Canterbury Monarchs                  English Reformers / Anglicans / Puritans

   William Ames                      1576-1633
   Robert Browne                     1550-1633
   Thomas Cartwright                 1535-1603
   John Colet                        1466-1519
   Miles Coverdale                   1487-1569
   Thomas Cranmer                    1489-1556             x
   John Frith                        1503-1533             x
   Richard Hooker                    1553-1600
   John Knox                         1510-1572             x
   Hugh Latimer                      1485-1555             x
   John Owen                         1616-1683
   Matthew Parker                    1504-1575
   William Perkins                   1559-1662
   Nicholas Ridley                   1500-1555             x
   William Temple                    1881-1944
   William Tyndale                   1494-1536             x
   Rowan Williams                    1950-
   George Wishart                    1513-1546             x
   Nicholas Thomas Wright            1948-

Constantinople Hesychasts            Orthodox Church

   Sergei Bulgakov                   1871-1944
   Cyril of Constantinople           1572-1638
   Dionysius the Areopagite          5th-6th c.
   Ephrem the Syrian                  306- 373
   Georges Florovsky                 1893-1979
   Pavel Florensky                   1882-1937             x
   Isaac of Nineveh                      - 700
   John of Damascus                   675- 749
   Vladimir Lossky                   1903-1958
   Maximus the Confessor              580- 682
   John Meyendorff                   1926-1992
   Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain    1749-1809
   Gregory Palamas                   1296-1359
   Maximus Planudes                  1260-1330
   Sabbas the Sanctified              439- 532
   Alexander Schmemann               1921-1983
   Seraphim of Sarov                 1754-1833
   Symeon the New Theologian          949-1022
   Paisius Velichkovsky              1722-1794
   Timothy (Kallistos) Ware          1934-
   John Zizioulas                    1931-

Geneva Sovereigns                    Later Reformed Church / Early Reformers

   Jakob Arminius                    1560-1609
   Herman Bavinck                    1854-1921
   Theodore Beza                     1519-1605
   Martin Bucer                      1491-1551
   Heinrich Bullinger                1504-1575
   John Calvin                       1509-1564
   Wolfgang Fabricius Capito         1478-1541
   Guillaume Farel                   1489-1565
   Abraham Kuyper                    1837-1920
   Johannes Oecolampadius            1482-1531
   Francis Turretin                  1623-1687
   Peter Martyr Vermigli             1499-1562
   Ulrich Zwingli                    1484-1531

Jerusalem Resourcers                 Contemporary

   Karl Barth                        1886-1968
   G. C. Berkouwer                   1903-1996
   Emil Brunner                      1889-1966
   Brevard S. Childs                 1923-2007
   P. T. Forsyth                     1848-1921
   Hans W. Frei                      1922-1988
   Eberhard Jüngel                   1934-
   George Lindbeck                   1923-
   Jürgen Moltmann                   1926-
   H. Richard Niebuhr                1894-1962
   Reinhold Niebuhr                  1872-1971
   Wolfhart Pannenberg               1928-
   T. F. Torrance                    1913-2007
   Kevin J. Vanhoozer                1957-

Los Angeles Knights                  Fundamentalists / Evangelicals

   F. F. Bruce                       1910-1990
   John Nelson Darby                 1800-1882
   Jonathan Edwards                  1703-1758
   Charles G. Finney                 1792-1875
   Billy Graham                      1918-
   Carl F. H. Henry                  1913-2003
   A. A. Hodge                       1820-1886
   Charles Hodge                     1797-1878
   Jon Gresham Machen                1881-1937
   D. L. Moody                       1837-1899
   Harold J. Ockenga                 1905-1985
   Charles Fox Parham                1873-1929
   William Seymour                   1870-1922
   R. A. Torrey                      1856-1928
   B. B. Warfield                    1851-1921

Munich Monks                         Hermits, Monks, Mystics

   Antony of Egypt                    251- 356
   Benedict of Nursia                 480- 550
   Bernard of Clairvaux              1090-1153
   Bruno of Cologne                  1030-1101
   John Cassian                       360- 430
   Catherine of Siena                1347-1380
   Peter Damian                      1007-1072
   Meister Eckhart                   1260-1328
   Evagrius Ponticus                  345- 399
   Francis of Assisi                 1182-1226
   Dominic de Guzman                 1170-1221
   Hildegard of Bingen               1098-1179
   Joachim of Fiore                  1132-1202
   John of the Cross                 1542-1591
   Julian of Norwich                 1342-1413
   Martin of Tours                    316- 397
   Pachomius                          292- 348
   Simeon Stylites                    390- 459
   Johannes Tauler                   1300-1361
   Teresa of Avila                   1515-1582

Münster Radicals                     Radical Reformation / Anabaptists

   Jakob Ammann                      1656-1730
   George Blaurock                   1492-1529             x
   Conrad Grebel                     1498-1526
   Melchior Hofmann                  1495-1543
   Balthasar Hubmaier                1480-1528
   Jakob Hutter                          -1536
   John of Leyden                    1510-1536
   Felix Manz                        1498-1527             x
   Pilgram Marpeck                       -1556
   Jan Matthys                           -1534
   Thomas Müntzer                    1488-1525
   Dirk Philips                      1504-1568
   Bernhard Rothmann                 1495-1535
   Menno Simons                      1496-1561
   John Howard Yoder                 1927-1997

Orthodozy Dodgers                    Heretics

   Apollinaris of Laodiciea           310- 390
   Arius                              256- 336
   Donatus Magnus                        - 355
   Eutyches of Constantinople         380- 456
   Faustus Socinus                   1539-1604
   Marcion                             85- 160
   Michael Servetus                  1511-1553
   Nestorius                          386- 451
   Noetus                             130- 200
   Novatian                           200- 258
   Paul of Samosata                   200- 275
   Pelagius                           360- 420
   Praxeas                           late 2nd-early 3rd c.
   Sabellius                         3rd c.
   Severus of Antioch                 465- 538
   Theodore of Mopsuestia             350- 428
   Valentinus                         100- 160

Serampore Preachers                  Missionaries

   Alopen                            7th c.
   Augustine of Canterbury               - 604
   Bartolomé de las Casas            1484-1566
   Boniface                           675- 754             x
   David Brainerd                    1718-1747
   Cambridge Seven                   19th c.
   William Carey                     1761-1834
   Amy Carmichael                    1867-1951
   Thomas Coke                       1747-1814
   John Eliot                        1604-1690
   Anthony Norris Groves             1795-1853
   E. Stanley Jones                  1884-1973
   Adoniram Judson                   1788-1850
   David Livingstone                 1813-1873
   Raymond Lull                      1233-1315
   Henry Martyn                      1781-1812
   Samuel J. Mills Jr.               1783-1818
   Robert Morrison                   1782-1834
   John R. Mott                      1865-1955
   Patrick                           c. 387-493
   Matteo Ricci                      1552-1610
   Junipero Serra                    1713-1784
   James Hudson Taylor               1832-1905
   William Cameron Townsend          1896-1982
   John Wesley                       1703-1791
   George Whitefield                 1714-1770
   Francis Xavier                    1506-1552
   Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf    1700-1760
   Samuel Zwemer                     1867-1952

St. James Padres                     Church Fathers (Patristic Era)

   Ambrose of Milan                   340- 397
   Athanasius of Alexandria           293- 373
   Augustine of Hippo                 354- 430
   Basil of Caesarea                  330- 379
   Clement of Alexandria              150- 215
   Clement of Rome                   1st c.
   Cyprian of Carthage                   - 258             x
   Cyril of Alexandria                376- 444
   Eusebius of Caesarea               260- 340
   Gregory of Nazianzus               330- 390
   Gregory of Nyssa                   335- 395
   Hilary of Poitiers                 300- 368
   Ignatius of Antioch                 35- 107             x
   Irenaeus of Lyons                  130- 200
   Jerome                             347- 420
   John Chrysostom                    347- 407
   Justin Martyr                      100- 165             x
   Leo I                              400- 461
   Origen                             185- 254
   Polycarp of Smyrna                  69- 155             x
   Tatian                             120- 180
   Tertullian                         160- 225

St. Pius Cardinals                   Roman Catholic (primarily post-Reformation)

   Hans Urs von Balthasar            1905-1988
   Robert Bellarmine                 1542-1621
   Benedict XVI                      1927-
   Marie-Dominique Chenu             1895-1990
   Yves Congar                       1905-1995
   Desierius Erasmus                 1466-1536
   John Fisher                       1469-1535             x
   Riginald Garrigou-Lagrange        1877-1964
   Ignatius of Loyola                1491-1556
   John Paul II                      1920-2005
   John XXIII                        1881-1963
   Walter Kasper                     1933-
   Hans Küng                         1928-
   Henri de Lubac                    1896-1991
   Jacques Maritain                  1882-1973
   Thomas Merton                     1915-1968
   Johann Adam Möhler                1796-1838
   Luis de Molina                    1535-1600
   John Henry Newman                 1801-1890
   Karl Rahner                       1904-1984
   Edward Schillebeeckx              1914-2009

Wittenberg Whistle-Blowers           Early Reformers / Later Lutheran Church

   Dietrich Bonhoeffer               1906-1945             x
   Johannes Bugenhagen               1485-1558
   Abraham Calovius                  1612-1686
   Martin Chemnitz                   1522-1586
   Oscar Cullmann                    1902-1999
   Gerhard Forde                     1927-2005
   August Hermann Francke            1663-1727
   Johann Gerhard                    1582-1637
   Andreas Karlstadt                 1486-1541
   Martin Luther                     1483-1546
   Philip Melanchthon                1497-1560
   Henry Muhlenberg                  1711-1787
   George Spalatin                   1484-1545
   Philipp Jakob Spender             1635-1705
   C. F. W. Walther                  1811-1887

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