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Trees of North America
Brooke Bond Canada - 1968

Note:  Cards are approximately 1-3/8" x 2-5/8", featuring paintings by Don R.
Eckelberry, V. Kreml, Maynard D. Reece, and Charles L. Ripper.

No.   Title                                           Classification

  1   Eastern White Pine (cone and needles)           Pinus strobus
  2   Eastern White Pine                              Pinus strobus
  3   Jack Pine                                       Pinus banksiana
  4   Lodgepole Pine                                  Pinus contorta var. latifolia
  5   Tamarack                                        Larix laricina
  6   Red Spruce                                      Picea rubens
  7   White Spruce                                    Picea glauca
  8   Engelmann Spruce                                Picea engelmannii
  9   Eastern Hemlock                                 Tsuga canadensis
 10   Douglas Fir                                     Pseudotsuga menziesii
 11   Balsam Fir (cones and needles)                  Abies balsamea
 12   Balsam Fir                                      Abies balsamea
 13   Eastern White Cedar                             Thuja occidentalis
 14   Western Red Cedar                               Thuja plicata
 15   Red Cedar                                       Juniperus virginiana
 16   Trembling Aspen                                 Populus tremuloides
 17   Balsam Poplar                                   Populus balsamifera
 18   Willow                                          Salix sp.
 19   Black Walnut                                    Juglans nigra
 20   Black Walnut (fruit and leaves)                 Juglans nigra
 21   Bitternut Hickory                               Carya cordiformis
 22   Shagbark Hickory                                Carya ovata
 23   Shagbark Hickory (fruit and leaves)             Carya ovata
 24   Ironwood                                        Ostrya virginiana
 25   Yellow Birch                                    Betula alleghaniensis
 26   White Birch                                     Betula papyrifera
 27   Beech                                           Fagus grandifolia
 28   White Oak                                       Quercus alba
 29   Red Oak                                         Quercus rubra
 30   American Elm                                    Ulmus americana
 31   Sycamore                                        Platanus occidentalis
 32   Sycamore (fruit and leaves)                     Platanus occidentalis
 33   Mountain-Ash (fruit and leaves)                 Sorbus americana
 34   Mountain-Ash                                    Sorbus americana
 35   Pin Cherry                                      Prunus pensylvanica
 36   Choke Cherry (fruit and leaves)                 Prunus virginiana
 37   Choke Cherry                                    Prunus virginiana
 38   Staghorn Sumac                                  Rhus typhina
 39   Broadleaf Maple                                 Acermacrophyllum
 40   Sugar Maple                                     Acer saccharum
 41   Red Maple                                       Acer rubrum
 42   Manitoba Maple                                  Acer negundo
 43   Manitoba Maple (fruit and leaves)               Acer negundo
 44   Basswood                                        Tilia americana
 45   Arbutus                                         Arbutus menziesii
 46   Western Flowering Dogwood (flowers and leaves)  Cornus nuttallii
 47   Western Flowering Dogwood                       Cornus nuttallii
 48   White Ash                                       Fraxinus americana

--    (Card Album)
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