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Batman Movie Flicker Cards DC Comics - 1989
Notes: These smaller (2" x 2-3/4") lenticular or motion/morph cards were issued with Kellogg's products in Canada to promote the release of the first movie, though the Kellogg's connection is not noted on the cards. Card text is in both English and French.
No. English title Le titre français #1 of/de 8 Bruce Wayne, Millionaire Bruce Wayne, le millionnaire #2 of/de 8 The Batmobile La Batmobile #3 of/de 8 Batman fires spear gun. Batman décharge son fusil-harpon. #4 of/de 8 Alfred, Batman's butler Alfred, le maître d'hôtel de Batman #5 of/de 8 Carl Grissom, Crime Boss Carl Grissom, le Grand chef des criminels #6 of/de 8 Axis chemical plant L'usine de produits chimiques #7 of/de 8 Batman's arsenal for law and order L'arsenal de la justice et de l'ordre de Batman #8 of/de 8 The Batwing La Batwing Searchwords: jahoc, yr1989, mfrKellogg, catDCMedia©2005, 2019 Jeff Allender. Comments, updates, & corrections are welcomed!