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Daizy Dukez Update Edition 2015/2016
   Bench Warmer - 2016

Notes: Most subsets are found in parallel versions with different foil highlights; numbered 
parallels that have been observed are shown in columns ("unn" means unnumbered). Cards 
that have not yet been observed are marked with an "x" ; duplicated numbers are shown 
with an "r".  Observed items that were not on the BW website checklist are tagged with a "+".  
Thanks to Joe Huang for updates!

This series includes all-new cards. Further information and scans are posted at the Bench 
Warmer website.

Autographs and high-level chase cards from previous series may be included instead of cards 
produced specifically for this series, and some autographs may be more commonly found in 
later releases (including those that may not have been received in time for distribution in the 
primary boxes). The only subset that is not shown on the Bench Warmer checklist is Preview 
cards for the 2016 Gold Edition.

Box: 10 cards. 8 boxes/case; 4 boxes/multipack.

  No.   Model

                              gold  purple  pink green  blue  red

Premium Base Cards

        Cards shown with a 'd' had cards for the same model (with different images 
        and numbering) in the 2015 Daizy Dukes edition.

  109   Carmen Electra          20     5     4     3     2
  110   Ashley Hobbs            20     5     4     3     2     1
  111   Shanice Jordyn          20     5     5     3     2     1
  112   Holli Pockets           20     5     5     3     2     1
  113   Shelly Martinez         20     5     4     3           1
  114   Irina Voronina          20     5     4     3
  115 d Scarlett Keegan         20     5     4     3     2
  116   Brande Roderick         20     5     4     3     2     1
  117   Torrie Wilson           20     5     4     3     2
  118 d Gemma Lee Farrell       20     5     4     3     2
  119 d Jessica Kinni           20     5     4     3     2
  120   Buffy Tyler             20     5     4     3     2     1
  121   Yancey Taylor           20     5     4     3     2     1
  122   Stacie Hall             20     5     4           2     1
  123   Deanna Brooks           20     5           3     2     1
  124   Heather Rene Smith      20     5     4           2     1
  125   Yvette Nelson           20     5     4     3     2     1
  126 d Sara Underwood          20     5     4     3     2
  127   Erika Jordan            20           4           2
  128 d Mary Riley              20     5     4     3     2
  129 d Jennifer Korbin         20     5           3           1
  130 d Ryan Shamrock           20     5     4     3     2     1
  131   Carolyn Martin          20     5     4     3     2     1
  132   Tamara Witmer           20     5     4     3     2
  133   Patrice Hollis          20     5     4     3
  134   Shawn Dillon            20     5     4     3     2     1
  135   Jenae Alt               20     5     4     3           1
  136   Cristal Camden          20     5     5     3     2     1
  137 d Kara Monaco             20     5     4     3     2
  138   Kristina Carroll        20     5     4     3     2     1
  139   Jessica Burciaga        20     5     4     3     2
  140   Holley Dorrough         20     5     5     3     2     1
  141   Jasmine Dustin          20     5     4     3     2
  142 d April Scott             20     5     4     3     2
  143   Bambi Lashell           20     5     4     3     2
  144   Jillian Hall            20     5     4     3     2

                               gold    purple   orange          green  blue   red

Base Autographs

        Unnumbered cards appear to have either gold or silver BW logos, signed with black 
        ink or (less often) purple ink; or purple or orange BW logos, signed with orange ink 
        or (less often) other colors. Because gold/silver or purple/orange stamping could be 
        used on the same card, I group ink colors by these two stampings groups.

   --   Audrey Aleen Allen     black   purple                      10     5     1
   --   Bambi Lashell          black   purple                      10     5
   --   Bobbi Billard          black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Brande Roderick        black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Brittany Herrera       black   purple   orange             10
   --   Brooke Morales         black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Bryiana Noelle         black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Buffy Tyler            black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Caitlin O'Connor       black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Camille Anderson       black   purple   blue-green-black   10     5     1
   --   Carrie Minter          black            orange             10     5     1
   --   Caya Hefner            black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Cecille Gahr           black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Claudia Jordan         black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Crystal McCahill       black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Holli Pockets          black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Irina Voronina         black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Jaime Hammer           black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Jaslyn Ome             black   purple                      10     5     1
   --   Jennifer England       blac    purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Jennifer Walcott       black   purple   green              10     5
   --   Jessica Hall           black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Kassie Lyn Logsdon     black            orange             10     5     1
   --   Katarina Van Derham    black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Kathryn Smith          black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Kayla Collins          black            orange             10     5
   --   Kimberly Phillips      black   purple                      10     5
   --   Lisa Lakatos           black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Lucy Miller            black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Madelyn Brinson        black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Maria Kanellis         black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Marissa Ivana          black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Nikki Leigh            black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Nikki Ziering          black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Pamela Horton          black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Peggy Tanous           black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Pennelope Jimenez      black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Qiana Chase            black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Sara Underwood         black   purple   blue               10     5
   --   Sarah Stage            black   purple   orange-black       10     5     1
   --   Shanice Jordyn         black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Shelly Martinez        black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Spencer Scott          black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Stacy Fuson            black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Stephani Costanza      black   purple   orange             10
   --   Suzanne Stokes         black   purple                      10     5     1
   --   Syd Wilder             black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Tiffany Selby          black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Tiffany Taylor         black   purple   orange             10     5     1

Haystack Autographs

        Unnumbered cards appear to have either gold or silver BW logos, signed with black 
        ink; or purple or orange BW logos, signed with orange ink or (less often) other 
        colors. Because gold/silver or purple/orange stamping could be used on the same card, 
        I group ink colors by these two stampings groups.

   --   Alison Waite           black   purple   orange                    5     1
   --   Audrey Aleen Allen     black   purple                      10     5           Unsigned orange
   --   Beth Williams          black            orange             10     5     1
   --   Billie Jo Powers       black   purple   black              10     5
   --   Brandie Moses          black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Brooke Morales         black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Bryiana Noelle         black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Camille Anderson       black   purple                      10     5
   --   Caya Hefner            black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Cecille Gahr           black   orange   orange             10     5     1
   --   Ciara Price            black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Dani Mathers           black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Jaime Hammer           black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Jennifer England       black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Jennifer Walcott       black   purple   green              10     5     1
   --   Jessica Hall           black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Kathryn Smith          black   purple                      10     5     1
   --   Kayla Collins          black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Kimberly Phillips      black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Nikki Leigh            black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Nikki Ziering          black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Pamela Horton          black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Peggy Tanous           black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Pennelope Jimenez      black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Qiana Chase            black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Ryan Shamrock          black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Sarah Stage            black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Shelby Chesnes         black   purple   orange             10     5
   --   Spencer Scott          black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Stacy Fuson            black   purple   orange             10     5     1
   --   Stephani Costanza      black   purple   orange             10     5

                               gold  purple pink green  blue  red

Farmers Daughter Autographs

   --   Alison Waite             5     4     3     2     1
   --   Allie Mason              5     4     3     2     1
   --   Amelia Talon             5     4     3     2
   --   Anna Sophia Berglund     5     4     3     2
   --   Audrey Aleen Allen       5     4     3     2     1
   --   Bobbi Billard            5     4     3     2
   -- x Brooke Morales
   --   Bryiana Noelle           5     4     3
   --   Caya Hefner              5     4     3     2     1
   --   Cecille Gahr             5     4     3     2
   --   Ciara Price              5     4     3
   -- x Claudia Jordan
   --   Hiromi Oshima            5     4     3     2
   -- x Jaime Hammer
   --   Jennifer Walcott         5   (no)  (no)    2   (no)
   --   Jessica Hall             5     4     3     2
   --   Kassie Lyn Logsdon       5     4     3     2
   -- x Kathryn Smith
   --   Kimberly Phillips        5     4     3           1
   --   Melissa Riso             5     4     3     2     1
   --   Miki Black               5     4     3     2
   --   Miriam Gonzalez          5     4     3
   --   Nikki Leigh              5     4     3     2
   --   Nikki Ziering            5     4     3     2     1
   --   Pamela Horton            5     4     3     2
   --   Peggy Tanous             5     4     3     2     1
   --   Qiana Chase              5     4     3     2
   --   Sarah Stage              5     4     3     2     1
   -- x Scarlett Keegan
   --   Shelby Chesnes           5     4     3     2
   --   Spencer Scott            5     4     3     2     1
   --   Syd Wilder               5     4     3     2
   --   Tiffany Toth             5     4     3     2

Daizy Dual Signatures

   --   Alex Capriola / Allie Mason           10     5     3     2     1
   --   Angel Boris / Penelope Jimenez        10     5     3     2
   --   Cecille Gahr / Nicole Bennett         10     5     3     2     1
   --   Dessie Mitcheson / Val Keil           10     5     3     2
   --   Katie Lohmann / Kimberly Phillips     10     5     3
   --   Pamela Horton / Amelia Talon          10     5     3     2     1

Daizy Quad Autographs

   --   Crystal McCahill / Kimberly Phillips / Alex Capriola / Allie Mason    10     5     3     2     1
   --   Kennedy Summers / Andrea Lowell / Tiffany Taylor / Caya Hefner        10     5     3     2
   --   Raquel Pomplun / Malorie Mackey / Amelia Talon / Pamela Horton        10     5     3           1
   --   Tiffany Toth / April Scott / Heather Rae Young / Jaime Hammer         10     5     3     2     1

Daizy Dukez Signed Kiss Cards

   --   Andrea Lowell           10     5     3     2     1
   --   Angela Fong             10     5     3     2
   --   Athena Lundberg         10     5     3     2     1
   --   Brandy Grace            10     5     3     2     1
   --   Brooke Morales          10     5     3     2
   --   Candace Kita            10     5     3     2
   --   Ciara Price             10     5                 1
   -- x Gemma Lee Farrell
   --   Jessica Rockwell        10     5     3     2     1
   --   Julianna Prada          10     5     3     2     1
   --   Lana Kinnear            10     5     3     2     1
   --   Lisa Gleave             10     5     3
   --   Malorie Mackey          10     5     3     2     1
   --   Marketa Janska          10     5     3     2     1
   --   Michelle Baena          10     5           2     1
   --   Michelle McLaughlin     10     5     3     2
   --   Raquel Pomplun          10     5     3     2     1
   --   Shelby Chesnes          10     5     3     2
   --   Stacy Fuson             10     5     3     2     1
   --   Tiffany Toth            10     5     3     2

Daizy Dukez Swatch Cards

   --   Alex Capriola            5           3     2
   --   Angel Boris              5           3     2     1
   --   Ashley Doris             5           3     2     1
   --   Audrey Allen             5           3     2
   --   Bobbi Billard            5           3     2     1
   --   Brooke Morales           5           3     2
   --   Carly Lauren             5           3     2
   --   Cassie Cardelle          5           3     2
   --   Dessie Mitcheson         5           3     2
   --   Flo Jalin                5           3     2     1
   -- x Gemma Lee Farrell
   --   Heather Rae Young        5           3     2     1
   --   Jaime Hammer             5           3     2     1
   --   Jessa Hinton             5           3     2     1
   --   Kathryn Smith            5           3     2     1
   --   Kennedy Summers          5           3     2
   --   Lisa Lakatos             5           3           1
   --   Peggy Tanous             5           3           1
   --   Pennelope Jimenez        5           3     2
   --   Sarah Stage              5           3     2     1
   --   Stacy Fuson              5           3     2
   --   Stephanie Branton        5           3     2     1
   --   Val Keil                 5           3     2     1

Daizy Shoe Cards

   --   Alison Waite            10     5     3
   --   Amelia Talon            10     5     3           1
   --   Ashley Mattingly        10     5     3           1
   --   Beth Williams           10     5     3     2     1
   --   Crystal McCahill        10     5     3     2
   --   Shelby Chesnes          10     5     3     2     1

Daizy Dukez Inscription Autographs

   --   Alison Waite             5     4     3     2     1
   --   Angel Boris              5     4     3     2     1
   --   Ashley Mattingly         5     4     3     2     1
   --   Audrey Aleen Allen       5     4     3     2     1
   --   Beth Williams            5     4     3     2     1
   --   Billie Jo Powers         5     5     3           1
   --   Bobbi Billard            5     4     3     2
   --   Brandie Moses            5     4     3     2     1
   --   Brooke Morales           5     4     3     2     1
   --   Bryiana Noelle           5     4     3     2     1
   --   Camille Anderson         5     4           2     1
   -- x Caya Hefner
   --   Cecille Gahr             5     4     3     2     1
   --   Claudia Jordan           5     4     3     2     1
   --   Flo Jalin                5     4           2     1
   --   Heather Rae Young        5     4     3
   --   Jaslyn Ome               5     4     3     2     1
   --   Jennifer England         5     4     3           1
   --   Kassie Lyn Logsdon       5     4     3     2     1
   --   Kathryn Smith            5     4     3     2     1
   -- x Katie Lohmann
   --   Kayla Collins            5     4     3     2
   --   Kennedy Summers          5     4     3           1
   --   Kimberly Phillips        5           3     2     1
   --   Kirsty Lingman           5     4     3     2     1
   --   Lisa Lakatos             5     4     3     2     1
   --   Madelyn Brinson          5     4     3     2     1
   --   Marissa Ivana            5     4     3           1
   --   Nicole Bennett           5     4     3     2     1
   --   Nicole Loum              5     4     3     2
   --   Nikki Leigh              5     4     3     2     1
   -- x Nikki Ziering
   --   Peggy Tanous             5     4     3     2     1
   --   Pennelope Jimenez        5     4     3     2
   --   Qiana Chase              5     4     3     2
   --   Sarah Stage              5     4     3     2     1
   --   Scarlett Keegan          5     4     3           1
   -- x Shannon Malone
   --   Shelby Chesnes           5     4     3     2     1
   --   Spencer Scott            5     4     3     2
   --   Stacy Fuson              5     4     3     2     1
   --   Stephanie Branton        5     4     3     2     1
   --   Syd Wilder               5     4     3           1
   --   Tabitha Taylor           5     4     3     2     1
   --   Talor Marion             5     4     3     2     1
   --   Tiffany Selby            5     4     3           1
   --   Tiffany Taylor           5     4     3     2     1
   -- x Tra'Shell Thompson

2016 Gold Edition Gold Standard Preview Autographs

      Cards have "Preview" printed on backs.

   --   Alex Capriola            5
   --   Allie Mason              5
   --   Amelia Talon             5
   --   Angela Fong              5
   --   April Scott              5
   --   Ashley Doris             5
   --   Athena Lundberg          5
   --   Brandy Grace             5
   --   Candace Kita             5
   --   Carly Lauren             5
   --   Cassie Cardelle          5
   --   Caya Hefner              5
   --   Ciara Price              5
   --   Crystal McCahill         5
   --   Dani Mathers             5
   --   Hiromi Oshima            5
   --   Irina Voronina           5
   --   Jackie Dawn              5
   --   Jessica Hall             5
   --   Jessica Rockwell         5
   --   Julianna Prada           5
   --   Kayla Collins            5
   --   Malorie Mackey           5
   --   Marketa Janska           5
   --   Michelle Baena           5
   --   Michelle McLaughlin      5
   --   Miki Black               5
   --   Miriam Gonzalez          5
   --   Raquel Pomplun           5
   --   Stephani Costanza        5
   --   Tiffany Taylor           5
   --   Tiffany Toth             5
   --   Val Keil                 5

   --   Sara Underwood         unn            2015 Holiday Series; no Preview stamp

General Lee Signed Cards (red background except as noted)

   --   Alison Waite             01
   --   Audrey Aleen Allen       01
   --   Beth Williams            01
   --   Brandy Grace
   --   Brooke Morales           01
   --   Camille Anderson         01
   --   Candace Kita             01
   --   Catherine Bach                  White Background
   --   Cecille Gahr             01
   --   Dessie Mitcheson         01
   --   Jennifer Walcott
   --   Kassie Lyn Logsdon
   --   Kathryn Smith            01
   --   Lana Kinnear
   --   Lisa Gleave
   --   Lisa Lakatos             01
   --   Malorie Mackey           01
   --   Mary Riley                      White Background
   --   Michelle Baena           01
   --   Miriam Gonzalez          01
   --   Nicole Loum
   --   Peggy Tanous             01
   --   Ryan Shamrock
   --   Sara Underwood
   --   Sarah Stage              01
   --   Shelby Chesnes
   --   Spencer Scott            01
   --   Stacy Fuson
   --   Stephani Costanza        01
   --   Tamara Witmer                   White Background

Authentic Worn Signed Zipper Cards

   --   Alex Capriola
   --   Angel Boris              1
   --   Ashley Doris
   --   Audrey Aleen Allen
   --   Bobbi Billard            1
   --   Brooke Morales           1
   --   Carly Lauren
   --   Cassie Cardelle          1
   --   Claudia Jordan           1
   --   Dessie Mitcheson         1
   --   Flo Jalin                1
   --   Heather Rae Young
   --   Jaime Hammer
   --   Jessa Hinton
   --   Jessica Burciaga
   --   Kathryn Smith            1
   --   Kennedy Summers          1
   --   Lisa Lakatos             1
   --   Peggy Tanous             1
   --   Pennelope Jimenez        1
   --   Sarah Stage              1
   --   Stacy Fuson              1
   --   Stephanie Branton        1
   --   Val Keil

Searchwords: jahoc, yr2015, yr2016, mfrBenchWarmer, catBenchWarmer 
©2016, 2017 Jeff Allender. Comments, updates, & corrections are welcomed!

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