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Cardtoons Cardtoons - 1995
Note: This set was originally planned for 1993, but was not issued until the baseball strike of 1994 made them "timely." All of the cards bear a copyright date of 1993, even those that refer to events in 1994. The "Field of Greed" and "Politics in Baseball" subsets are almost always considered part of the basic (115-card) set.
Box: 36 packs of 7 (regular + Politics) cards + 1 Field of Greed card. Common sets: 2.27 per box if collation were perfect. No. Player / Title Team 1 Hey Abbott Crankies 2 Robin Adventura Tight Sox 3 Roberto Alamode Tofu Jays 4 Don Battingly Crankies 5 Cow Belle Engines 6 Jay Bellhop Parrots 7 Fowl Boggs Crankies 8 Treasury Bonds Gents 9 True Brett Gargoyles 10 Wild Pitch Mitch Ankles 11 Balou's Brothers Exposés 12 Charlie Bustle Dreds 13 Brett Butter Codgers 14 Rambo Canseco Red Lox 15 Roberto Cementie Parrots 16 Roger Clemency Red Lox 17 Will Clock Strangers 18 David Clone Gargoyles 19 Tom Clowning Dreds 20 Mr. Club Scrubs 21 Joe Crater Tofu Jays 22 Doolin' Daulton Filets 23 Chili Dog Davis Ankles 24 Doug Drawback Disastros 25 Dennis Excellency Pathetics 26 Silly Fanatic Filets 27 Wand Gonzales Strangers 28 Amazing Grace Scrubs 29 Tom Grapevine Braids 30 Marquis Gruesome Exposés 31 Homerin' Hank Braids 32 Kevin Happier Gargoyles 33 Pete Harness Mutts 34 Charlie Haze Rookies 35 Egotisticky Henderson Pathetics 36 Sayanora Infielder Kitty Kats 37 Snoozin' Ted & Tarzan Jane Braids 38 Cloud Johnson Mari-Nerds 39 Sandy K-Fax Codgers 40 The Say What Kid Gents 41 Tommy Lasagna Codgers 42 Greg Maddogs Braids 43 Stamp the Man Credit Cards 44 Mark McBash Pathetics 45 Fred McGruff Braids 46 Mount Mick Crankies 47 Pat Moustache Boozers 48 Ozzie Myth Credit Cards 49 Bob Nukesbury Credit Cards 50 Reggie October Crankies 51 Doctor OK Mutts 52 Rafael Palmist Bore-ioles 53 Lose Piniella Mari-Nerds 54 Vince Poleman Gargoyles 55 Charlie Puff Merlins 56 Rob Quibble Dreds 57 Darryl Razzberry Gents 58 Cal Ripkenwinkle Bore-ioles 59 Budge Rodriguez Strangers 60 Ryne Sandbox Scrubs 61 Steve Saxophone Pathetics 62 Harry Scaray, Announcer Scrubs 63 Scary Sheffield Merlins 64 Ruben Siesta Pathetics 65 Dennis Smartinez Engines 66 Lee Smite Bore-ioles 67 Ken Spiffy, Jr. Mari-Nerds 68 Nails Spikestra Filets 69 The Splendid Spinner Red Lox 70 Toad Stottlemyre Tofu Jays 71 Raging Tartabull Crankies 72 Robbery Thompson Gents 73 Alan Trampoline Kitty Kats 74 Monster Truk Filets 75 Shawon Tungsten Scrubs 76 Tony Trynn Pea Pods 77 Andy Van Tyke Parrots 78 Derrick Ventriloquist Engines 79 Frankie Violin Red Lox 80 Rap Winfielder Thins 81 Robinhood Yount Boozers 82 Swift Justice Braids 83 Brat Saberhagen Mutts 84 Mike Pizzazz Codgers 85 Andres Colorado Rookies 86 Money Bagswell Disastros 87 Video Nomo Codgers 88 Out of the Park Codgers 89 Tim Wallet Codgers 90 Checklist 91 Greenback Jack Crankies 92 Mighty Matt Power Hitter Gents 93 Frankenthomas Tight Sox 94 Neon Peon Slanders Dreds 95 Just Air Jordan Tight Sox Politics in Baseball Subset (common distribution) S-1 Pledge of Allegiance S-2 The Wave S-3 Slick Willie S-4 Umpires Convention S-5 The Slide S-6 Sh-h-h-h-h-h-h S-7 Throwing Out the First Contract S-8 Babe Rush S-9 Hot Prospect S-10 Let's Play Ball S-11 Role Model Field of Greed Puzzle Set (1 per pack) FOG-1 Strike 1: 1972 Strike FOG-2 Strike 2: 1973 Lockout FOG-3 Strike 3: 1976 Lockout FOG-4 Strike 4: 1980 Strike FOG-5 Strike 5: 1981 Strike FOG-6 Strike 6: 1985 Strike FOG-7 Strike 7: 1990 Lockout FOG-8 Strike 8: 1994 Strike FOG-9 Strike 9: Pending CHASE CARDS Grand Slam Foil Etched Subset (1:9 packs) F-1 Bo Action Tight Sox F-2 Andre Awesome Red Lox F-3 Bobby Bonus Mutts F-4 Steve Bravery Braids F-5 Carlton Fist Tight Sox F-6 E.T. McGee F-7 Kirby Plunkit Thins F-8 Jose Rheostat Dreds F-9 Sir Noble Ryan Strangers F-10 Day-Glo Sabo Dreds Big Bang Bucks Foil Subset (1:9 packs) BB-1 Treasury Bonds Gents BB-2 Sayanora Infielder Kitty Kats BB-3 Cal Ripkenwinkle Bore-ioles BB-4 Bobby Bonus BB-5 Joe Crater Tofu Jays BB-6 Kirby Plunkit Thins BB-7 David Clone Gargoyles BB-8 Ken Spiffy, Jr. Mari-Nerds BB-9 Ruben Siesta Pathetics BB-10 Greg Maddogs Braids BB-11 Mark McBash Pathetics BB-12 Rafael Palmist Bore-ioles BB-13 Roberto Alamode Tofu-Jays BB-14 Greenback Jack Crankies BB-15 Raging Tartabull Crankies BB-16 Jimmy Kiwi Crankies BB-17 Roger Clemency Red Lox BB-18 Rambo Canseco Red Lox BB-19 Tom Grapevine Braids BB-20 John Smileyface Dreds Replacement Cards (1:12 packs) 1 Cardtoons Annual Awards 2 Cardtoons Parody Baseball Binder 3 Cardtoons Parody Baseball Phone Card Set Cardtoons Awards [from Mail-In Offer] R-1 No-Ball Peace Prize R-2 Forrest Grump Award R-3 1994 World Series Champs R-4 Golden Glove Award R-5 Corkville Slugger Award R-6 Can't Get No Relief Award R-7 Comedown Player of Year R-8 Most Virtuous Player PROMO CARDS [1993] P-1 Day-Glo Sabo P-2 Dennis Excellency P-3 Pledge of Allegiance©2000-2002, 2003 Jeff Allender. Comments, updates, & corrections are welcomed!