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Finding Dory Album Stickers Panini - 2016
Notes: Stickers do not have titles.
Box: 50 packs of 7 cards. Common sets: approx. 2.19 per box if collation were perfect. No. Scene Type Title (Sticker Back) 1 Marlin, Nemo, Dory Findet Dorie 2 Dory and rays Le Monde de Dory 3 Baby Dory foil Finding Dory 4 Jenny and Charlie (left) Finding Dory 5 Jenny and Charlie (right) Finding Dory 6 Four sharks Kayip Balik Dori 7 Marlin, Nemo, anemone Finding Dory 8 Dory follows Mr. Ray (left) Le Monde de Dory 9 Dory follows Mr. Ray (right) Two rays (left) 10 Tank Gang Finding Dory 11 Dory remembers Findet Dorie 12 Visiting Bill Findet Dorie 13 Marlin and Nemo swim Findet Dorie 14 Hank descends from counter Le Monde de Dory 15 Dory in coffeepot Le Monde de Dory 16 Fluke and Rudder bask (left) Alla Ricerca di Dory 17 Fluke and Rudder bask (right) Alla Ricerca di Dory 18 Becky and bucket Alla Ricerca di Dory 19 Bailey and bubbles Buscando a Dory 20 Dory in fronds Buscando a Dory 21 Dory 3181 À Procura de Dory 22 Kid wrestles Hank Kayip Balik Dori 23 Dory and her folks Le Monde de Dory 24 Four otters Finding Dory 25 Releasing fish from boxes Alla Ricerca di Dory 26 Destiny, Bailey, Hank, small (left) Buscando a Dory 27 Destiny, Bailey, Hank, small (right) Buscando a Dory 28 Dory above seafloor foil Findet Dorie 29 Dory, Nemo over yellow Alla Ricerca di Dory 30 Dory, Marlin, Nemo at seafloor bubble Finding Dory 31 Nemo, Dory, Marlin bubble Findet Dorie 32 Nemo, Jenny, Marlin (left) Finding Dory 33 Nemo, Jenny, Marlin (middle) Finding Dory 34 Nemo, Jenny, Marlin (right) Finding Dory 35 Jenny, Charlie (left) prism Finding Dory 36 Jenny, Charlie (right) prism Finding Dory 37 Dory (circle) Finding Dory 38 Mr. Ray (circle) Findet Dorie 39 Marlin (circle) Le Monde de Dory 40 Nemo (circle) Alla Ricerca di Dory 41 Dory (mouth closed) Buscando a Dory 42 Crabs (circle) À Procura de Dory 43 Hank (circle) Kayip Balik Dori 44 Dory (face on) Finding Dory 45 Otters (circle) Finding Dory 46 Fluke and Rudder (circle) Findet Dorie 47 Bailey (circle) Le Monde de Dory 48 Seal with bucket (circle) Alla Ricerca di Dory 49 Blue Tang school (cicle) Buscando a Dory 50 Destiny (circle) À Procura de Dory 51 Destiny, Marlin, Nemo, Dory Finding Dory 52 Destiny, Hank Finding Dory 53 Nemo foil Le Monde de Dory 54 Marlin (oval) Buscando a Dory 55 Nemo, Marlin (left) bubble Finding Dory 56 Nemo, Marlin (right) bubble Finding Dory 57 Dory, Nemo, Marlin (left) foil Le Monde de Dory 58 Dory, Nemo, Marlin (right) foil Le Monde de Dory 59 Nemo, Marlin (caricature) Alla Ricerca di Dory 60 Nemo, Marlin bubble Le Monde de Dory 61 Nemo foil Alla Ricerca di Dory 62 Yellow and blue fish Findet Dorie 63 Bailey, Hank (left) Le Monde de Dory 64 Destiny, Marlin (middle) Le Monde de Dory 65 Nemo, Dory (right) Le Monde de Dory 66 Destiny at reef (left) Alla Ricerca di Dory 67 Nemo, Dory, Hank (middle) Alla Ricerca di Dory 68 Bailey, Marlin (right) Alla Ricerca di Dory 69 Pearl Le Monde de Dory 70 Bubbles Alla Ricerca di Dory 71 Destiny foil Buscando a Dory 72 Destiny (caricature) Kayip Balik Dori 73 Destiny (left) bubble Le Monde de Dory 74 Destiny (right) bubble Le Monde de Dory 75 Bailey foil Finding Dory 76 Bailey surfacing Finding Dory 77 Destiny, Bailey (left) bubble Buscando a Dory 78 Destiny, Bailey (right) bubble Buscando a Dory 79 Destiny and people (left) Buscando a Dory 80 Destiny and people (middle) Buscando a Dory 81 Destiny and people (right) Buscando a Dory 82 Dory descending Buscando a Dory 83 Bailey flippers to head Buscando a Dory 84 Hank sitting À Procura de Dory 85 Dory, Hank (caricature) Finding Dory 86 Hank and coffee pot Finding Dory 87 Hank, Peach bubble Alla Ricerca di Dory 88 Otters (caricature) Findet Dorie 89 Otter foil Kayip Balik Dori 90 Becky Findet Dorie 91 Rudder, Fluke (left) Finding Dory 92 Rudder, Fluke (right) Finding Dory 93 Gerald and bucket Le Monde de Dory 94a/b Blue Tans Chool / Hank Finding Dory 95a/b Otters / Dory, pink Finding Dory 96a/b Bailey / Destiny Finding Dory 97a/b Dory, Marlin, Nemo / Dory, rays Finding Dory 98 Marlin on reef À Procura de Dory 99a/b Dory / Nemo Finding Dory 100 Dory, Destiny (top left) Finding Dory 101 Destiny (top right) Finding Dory 102 School (bottom left) Finding Dory 103 School (bottom right) Finding Dory 104 Mr. Ray (left) Le Monde de Dory 105 Mr. Ray (right) Le Monde de Dory 106 Pearl (caricature) Kayip Balik Dori 107 Tad (caricature) Finding Dory 108 Sheldon (caricature) À Procura de Dory 109 School bubble Buscando a Dory 110 Destiny, Nemo, Dory Le Monde de Dory 111 Baby Dory (caricature) Finding Dory 112 Green and yellow fish Kayip Balik Dori 113 Purple and gray fish Finding Dory 114 Violet and purple fish Findet Dorie 115 Black and yellow shark Le Monde de Dory 116 Yellow and blue fish Alla Ricerca di Dory 117 Fronds Buscando a Dory 118 Spiral shell À Procura de Dory 119 Helix shell Kayip Balik Dori 120 Triune shell Finding Dory 121 Whale Shark Findet Dorie 122 Clown Fish Le Monde de Dory 123 Green and rainbow fish Alla Ricerca di Dory 124 Sea Star Buscando a Dory 125 Sea Urchin À Procura de Dory 126 Whale Kayip Balik Dori 127 Crab Finding Dory 128 Octopus Finding Dory 129 Kelp Findet Dorie 130 Anemone Le Monde de Dory 131 Coral Alla Ricerca di Dory 132 Dory, Mr. Ray (left) Alla Ricerca di Dory 133 Dory, Mr. Ray (right) Alla Ricerca di Dory 134 Ray below school Alla Ricerca di Dory 135 School bubble À Procura de Dory 136 Dory, Ray, school (left) Finding Dory 137 Dory, Ray, school (right) Finding Dory 138 Ray, Dory, Nemo, Marlin (left) Le Monde de Dory 139 Ray, Dory, Nemo, Marlin (right) Le Monde de Dory 140 Nemo, Dory bubble Kayip Balik Dori 141 Nemo bubble Finding Dory 142 Marlin, Nemo, Dory (left) Buscando a Dory 143 Marlin, Nemo, Dory (right) Buscando a Dory 144 Raising spines Buscando a Dory 145 Swordfish bubble Le Monde de Dory 146 Bottles À Procura de Dory 147 Dory on surface Kayip Balik Dori 148 Dory in coffee pot, Hank Finding Dory 149 Marlin, Nemo on surface Finding Dory 150 Rudder, Fluke, Becky Findet Dorie 151 Marlin, Nemo in bucket Le Monde de Dory 152 Bailey flukes to head Alla Ricerca di Dory 153 Destiny, Dory bubble Buscando a Dory 154 Hank, Dory Buscando a Dory 155 Bailey (top left) Finding Dory 156 Dory, Destiny (top middle) Finding Dory 157 Destiny (top right) Finding Dory 158 Hank, Dory (bottom left) Finding Dory 159 Dory, Hank (bottom middle) Finding Dory 160 Marlin, Nemo (bottom right) Finding Dory Sticker Album (sold separately) -- (sticker album) -- (playmat, folded) -- (sheet with 10 stickers) 30-31-60-87-93-109-134-135-147-149 Searchwords: jahoc, yr2016, mfrPanini, catDisney©2016 Jeff Allender. Comments, updates, & corrections are welcomed!