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Garbage Pail Kids 30th Anniversary SDCC Foreign Legion Topps - 2015
Notes: These oversized (5" x 7") cards were distributed in 5 packs of 10, exclusive to San Diego Comic Con 2015. Each subset illustrates a Kid in the styling of different countries and languages.
Title Series Country CESAR Cofago Basuritas Argentina Nasty NICK The Garbage Gang Australia CIRO Vamprio Gang do Lixo Brazil Sadique ERIC Les Crados France (Hebrew text) Havurat H'zevel Israel CIRO Vamprio Sgorbiens Italy (Japanese text) Bukimi Kun Japan Vampirito ALVARITO La Pandilla Basura Spain Böse BRUNO Die total Kaputten Kids Germany (Russian text) Deti Otbrosy Rissia ALEX Plosivo Basuritas Argentina ADAM Bomb The Garbage Gang Australia RAMBO Bomba Gang do Lixo Brazil FRÉDÉRIC Atomic Les Crados France (Hebrew text) Havurat H'zevel Israel Cerno-BILL Sgorbiens Italy (Japanese text) Bukimi Kun Japan Explosivo IñGIO La Pandilla Basura Spain GUNTHER Gesprengt Die total Kaputten Kids Germany (Russian text) Deti Otbrosy Rissia JOAQUIN Odoro Basuritas Argentina Potty SCOTTY The Garbage Gang Australia CABO do Trono Gang do Lixo Brazil BAUDOUIN P'tit-Coin Les Crados France (Hebrew text) Havurat H'zevel Israel GINO Spazzalatrino Sgorbiens Italy (Japanese text) Bukimi Kun Japan Taxon RAMON La Pandilla Basura Spain LUKAS Lokus Die total Kaputten Kids Germany (Russian text) Deti Otbrosy Rissia JUAMPA Totero Basuritas Argentina New Wave DAVE The Garbage Gang Australia JACO LORINDO Gang do Lixo Brazil MARTIAL Vandale Les Crados France (Hebrew text) Havurat H'zevel Israel Punker-OTTO Sgorbiens Italy (Japanese text) Bukimi Kun Japan Janki PANKI La Pandilla Basura Spain Horror-HORST Die total Kaputten Kids Germany (Russian text) Deti Otbrosy Rissia Mecha TARRA Basuritas Argentina Ashcan ANDY The Garbage Gang Australia CARMEN Diga Gang do Lixo Brazil CEDRIC Cosmic Les Crados France (Hebrew text) Havurat H'zevel Israel Pattumiera POLLY Sgorbiens Italy (Japanese text) Bukimi Kun Japan BLAS el Espacial La Pandilla Basura Spain META Mull Die total Kaputten Kids Germany (Russian text) Deti Otbrosy Rissia Searchwords: jahoc, yr2015, mfrTopps, catGPK©2015 Jeff Allender. Comments, updates, & corrections are welcomed!