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Garbage Pail Kids Brand-New Series 2
   Topps - 2013

Notes: Thanks much to Barren Aaron for artist identifications and to Tim Lipani 
for the update!

Hobby (H) Box: 24 packs of 9 stickers + 1 insert. 8 boxes/case.
Common sets (146): approx. 1.48 per box if collation were perfect.
Retail Box 1: 16 packs of 10 stickers.
Retail Box 2: 24 packs of 10 stickers, 8 boxes/case.
Value Box: 4 packs of 10 stickers + 1 Bonus sticker.
Jumbo Box: 18 packs of 24 stickers + 1 Bonus sticker.
Gravity Feed Box: 36 packs of 10 stickers.
Also available: Mini Gravity Feed Box, Specialty Market Gravity Feed.

    No.    "a" Sticker                    "b" Sticker            Artist              "a" sticker back                            "b" sticker back

    56a    MEL Tin                  56b   Marsh MARLOW           Joe Simko           Red puzzle top right                        Green puzzle top right
    57a    Chocolate BONNIE         57b   ESTHER Bunny           Layron Dejarnette   Red puzzle top middle                       Green puzzle top middle
    58a    Surf's up CHUCK          58b   Regurgi TATE           Brent Engstrom      Red puzzle top left                         Green puzzle top left
    59a    Chalky CHESTER           59b   Cringing CARL          Dave Gross          Red puzzle center right                     Green puzzle center right
    60a    i PADME                  60b   COLLEEN Screen         Joe Simko           Red puzzle center                           Green puzzle center
    61a    Capped CALVIN            61b   Robed ROB              Layron Dejarnette   Red puzzle center left                      Green puzzle center left
    62a    Knot NED                 62b   TROY Scout             Brent Engstrom      Red puzzle bottom right                     Green puzzle bottom right
    63a    Chamel LEON              63b   Blendin' BRENDAN       Mark Pingitore      Red puzzle bottom middle                    Green puzzle bottom middle
    64a    Sleep LES                64b   Insomniac ZACK         Joe Simko           Red puzzle bottom left                      Green puzzle bottom left
    65a    CHARLIE Down             65b   Peanut PAUL            Layron Dejarnette   Blue puzzle top right                       Yellow puzzle top right
    66a    BRAD Apple               66b   Apple a RAY            Brent Engstrom      Blue puzzle top middle                      Yellow puzzle top middle
    67a    Egg SHELDON              67b   Cracked CHRIS          Tom Bunk            Blue puzzle top left                        Yellow puzzle top left
    68a    8-BIFF                   68b   Pixelated PERRY        Joe Simko           Blue puzzle center right                    Yellow puzzle center right
    69a    Sliding SOPHIE           69b   Separated SAMANTHA     Layron Dejarnette   Blue puzzle center                          Yellow puzzle center
    70a    Blown-up BRUCE           70b   Smashing STAN          Brent Engstrom      Blue puzzle center left                     Yellow puzzle center left
    71a    FRIDA Spirit             71b   Tie DYNA               Dave Gross          Blue puzzle bottom right                    Yellow puzzle bottom right
    72a    FRED Case                72b   Hidden HERMAN          Joe Simko           Blue puzzle bottom middle                   Yellow puzzle bottom middle
    73a    ROLL-UP Ralph            73b   FRANK Fruit            Layron Dejarnette   Blue puzzle bottom left                     Yellow puzzle bottom left
    74a    Sketched SAL             74b   Etched ERIC            Brent Engstrom      Orange puzzle top right                     Purple puzzle top right
    75a    GOLDIE Locks             75b   PAULINE Pudding        James Warhola       Orange puzzle top middle                    Purple puzzle top middle
    76a    Tongue TY                76b   Licky MICKEY           Joe Simko           Orange puzzle top left                      Purple puzzle top left
    77a    Instant WYNN             77b   Lotto OTTO             Layron Dejarnette   Orange puzzle center right                  Purple puzzle center right
    78a    NICOLE Troll             78b   Orange GINA            Brent Engstrom      Orange puzzle center                        Purple puzzle center
    79a    Misfired MERLIN          79b   Spell CASTOR           Mark Pingitore      Orange puzzle center left                   Purple puzzle center left
    80a    Piranha FINN             80b   Devoured HOWARD        Joe Simko           Orange puzzle bottom right                  Purple puzzle bottom right
    81a    ALLEN Formation          81b   JOSÉ Hoax              Joe Simko           Orange puzzle bottom middle                 Purple puzzle bottom middle
    82a    TAD Tris                 82b   Puzzled PARKER         Brent Engstrom      Orange puzzle bottom left                   Purple puzzle bottom left
    83a    Dominated DAVID          83b   Little LANCE           Tom Bunk            Brown puzzle top right                      Pink puzzle top right
    84a    Surprisin' STEPH         84b   Toilet TRISH           Joe Simko           Brown puzzle top middle                     Pink puzzle top middle
    85a    Sheepish SETH            85b   WADE Wolf              Layron Dejarnette   Brown puzzle top left                       Pink puzzle top left
    86a    BLAKE Rake               86b   Hit MITT               Brent Engstrom      Brown puzzle center right                   Pink puzzle center right
    87a    Kool AIDEN               87b   Pitcher PIERRE         Mark Pingitore      Brown puzzle center                         Pink puzzle center
    88a    Grating GARY             88b   Parma JOHN             Joe Simko           Brown puzzle center left                    Pink puzzle center left
    89a    JAKE Mistake             89b   DWIGHT Out             Mark Pingitore      Brown puzzle bottom right                   Pink puzzle bottom right
    90a    Mixed-up MICHELANGELO    90b   Disordered DONATELLO   Brent Engstrom      Brown puzzle bottom middle                  Pink puzzle bottom middle
    91a    SHANE Shovel             91b   Sandy ANDY             Mark Pingitore      Brown puzzle bottom left                    Pink puzzle bottom left
    92a    PETER Pain               92b   SHAD Ow                Joe Simko           Lt. Blue puzzle top right                   Red puzzle completed
    93a    Cheese LOUISE            93b   LIN Berger             Layron Dejarnette   Lt. Blue puzzle top middle                  Green puzzle completed
    94a    Straw BARRY              94b   Deface CHASE           Brent Engstrom      Lt. Blue puzzle top left                    Blue puzzle completed
    95a    Drummed DENNIS           95b   Bongo BART             James Warhola       Lt. Blue puzzle center right                Yellow puzzle completed
    96a    Booger Barack            96b   Handy HUSSEIN          Joe Simko           Lt. Blue puzzle center                      Orange puzzle completed
    97a    Luau LUANN               97b   PEG Roast              Layron Dejarnette   Lt. Blue puzzle center left                 Purple puzzle completed
    98a    Firey FRANCIS            98b   Reptilian KILLIAN      Brent Engstrom      Lt. Blue puzzle bottom right                Brown puzzle completed
    99a    DEE Seeded               99b   GRACE Vine             Mark Pingitore      Lt. Blue puzzle bottom middle               Pink puzzle completed
   100a    Abduct JED               100b  Take KEN               Layron Dejarnette   Lt. Blue puzzle bottom left                 Lt. Blue puzzle completed
   101a    Nasty NICK               101b  Garlic RICK            Joe Simko           Most Likely to Succeed (at nothing) Award   Blood Drive Winner
   102a    Buggy BETTY              102b  Squashed SOPHIA        Joe Simko           Award for Perfect Attendance (at home)      Most Insensitive Award
   103a    GENE E.                  103b  GRANT Wishes           Tom Bunk            Big Spender Award                           Achievement in Creative Storytelling
   104a    Drippy DAN               104b  Watery WYATT           Mark Pingitore      Most Likely to Get Ahead Award              (4 letter) English Degree
   105a    Weird WENDY              105b  Wicked WANDA           Junghwa Im          Lifetime Achievement Award                  All You Can Eat Buffet Certificate
   106a    Roller DEBBIE            106b  KATE Skate             Joe Simko           Frequent Flyer Award                        Dishonor Roll Student
   107a    OLIVER Twisted           107b  BRETT Towel            John Cebollero      Pet (peeve) of the Month Award              Good Egg Award
   108a    Grim JIM                 108b  Last Leg LENNY         Tom Bunk            Ambassador of Goodwill Award                Greatest Endurance Award
   109a    Charming CHESSIE         109b  Jeweled JULIA          Dave Gross          Most Twisted Award                          City Planner Award
   110a    DOUG Plug                110b  TREY Spray             Joe Simko           Home Ecch Award                             Laser Tag Championship
   111a    Fishy PHYLLIS            111b  Tuna NETTIE            Brent Engstrom      Boxing Championship                         Olfactory Award
   112a    Leafy LARRY              112b  Waterin' WALTER        Layron Dejarnette   Certificate of Citizenship                  Most Likely to Serve Award
   113a    Guillo TINA              113b  Headless HARRIET       Mark Pingitore      Babysitting License                         Master of Gastro-Economics
   114a    Haunted FORREST          114b  TIM Ber                James Warhola       Private Investigator's License              Big Game Hunter Award
   115a    Duster DOROTHY           115b  TAYLOR Twister         Brent Engstrom      Bright Smile Award                          Greatest Kisser Award
   116a    Dead TED                 116b  Deliver ROY            Tom Bunk            Spittin' Spencer & Thick Vic                Stinky Stan & Richie Retch
   117a    Green DEAN               117b  Vicious VENUS          Junghwa Im          Greaser Greg & Valerie Vomit                Adam Bomb & Nat Nerd
   118a    MATT Hatter              118b  Tea Time TERENCE       James Warhola       Split Kit & Double Heather                  Super Manny & Richie Retch
   119a    JOEL Hole                119b  PEYTON Paddle          Junghwa Im          Catty Kathy & Mark Bark                     Jelly Kelly & Mean Gene
   120a    ALI Gator                120b  Skinned SAM            John Cebollero      Bad Brad & New Wave Dave                    Joe Blow & Leaky Lindsey
   121a    LEO TAMER                121b  Cir GUS                Tom Bunk            Ghastly Ashley & Windy Winston              Waxy Wendy & Hy Gene
   122a    Cute TIPPI               122b  Eerie ERIN             Joe Simko           Wrinkled Rita & Juan Percent                Wrinkled Rita & Green Dean
   123a    HECTOR Collector         123b  Hoardin' JORDAN        James Warhola       Thunder Todd & Picky Nicky                  Junkfood John & Swell Mell
   124a    Gargoyle DOYLE           124b  STONE Sculpture        Joe Simko           Babbling Brooke & Nat Nerd                  Mean Gene & Weird Wendy
   125a    Ill JILL                 125b  Mothy MARTHA           Junghwa Im          Upliftin' Clifton & Basket Casey            Fat Matt & Broad Maud
   126a    CURT the Rope            126b  Halfed HARRY           Mark Pingitore      Hector Collector & Tee-Vee Stevie           Bea Sting, Trish Squish & Welcome Matt
   127a    PAT of Gold              127b  Lepre SHAUN            Layron Dejarnette   Vile Kyle & Hot Scott                       Dead Ted & Nasty Nick
   128a    ADAM Bomb                128b  Protestin' PRESTON     Joe Simko           Checklist A                                 Checklist B


Glow-in-the-Dark Stickers (1:6 packs)

 1 of 10   ADAM Bomb                John Pound
 2 of 10   Wacky JACKIE             John Pound
 3 of 10   Slobby ROBBIE            John Pound
 4 of 10   Brainy JANIE             John Pound
 5 of 10   New Wave DAVE            John Pound
 6 of 10   Jolted JOEL              John Pound
 7 of 10   Hot SCOTT                John Pound
 8 of 10   ROY Bot                  John Pound
 9 of 10   JULES Drools             John Pound
10 of 10   Invisible MANUEL         Pat Barrett

3D Lenticular Cards (1:12 packs)
 1 of 10   (Weird WENDY)            John Pound
 2 of 10   (Hairy CARRIE)           John Pound
 3 of 10   (Barren AARON)           John Pound
 4 of 10   (Dyna MIKE)              John Pound
 5 of 10   (MEL Tin)                Joe Simko
 6 of 10   (Surf's up CHUCK)        Brent Engstrom
 7 of 10   (Piranha FINN)           Joe Simko
 8 of 10   (Take KEN)
 9 of 10   (JOEL Hole)
10 of 10   (FAYE Tall)              Joe Simko

Foldee Cards (1:4 packs)

 1 of 10   (three characters)       Pat Barrett
 2 of 10   (three characters)       Pat Barrett
 3 of 10   (three characters)       Pat Barrett
 4 of 10   (three characters)       Pat Barrett
 5 of 10   (three characters)       Pat Barrett
 6 of 10   (three characters)       Pat Barrett
 7 of 10   (three characters)       Pat Barrett
 8 of 10   (three characters)       Pat Barrett
 9 of 10   (three characters)       Pat Barrett
10 of 10   (three characters)

Bonus Cards

        Hobby (1:24 packs)

   B7a     BRIDGET Bride            Mark Pingitore
   B7b     Just MARY                Mark Pingitore
   B8a     ALBERT Alien             Brent Engstrom
   B8b     Spacey SCOTT             Brent Engstrom
   B9a     Son Of MANNY             Mark Pingitore
   B9b     Ripe RENÉ                Mark Pingitore
   B10a    Riveting ROSIE
   B10b    Propaganda PAULA         

        Value Boxes
   B11a    Giant GILLIAN            Joe Simko
   B11b    FAYE Tall                Joe Simko
   B12a    Crocked DAVY             Mark Pingitore
   B12b    Bitten BRIAN             Mark Pingitore

        Jumbo Packs
                                    Brent Engstrom
   B13a    IKE Berg                 Brent Engstrom
   B13b    Icy IAN                  Dave Gross
   B14a    Taser FRASIER            Dave Gross
   B14b    Shocked SOL              Joe Simko
   B15a    DAYNA The Dead           Joe Simko
   B15b    MIA De Los Muertos

Sketch Cards (2000 total; 1:757 Retail packs, 1:115 Hobby packs)

     --    Brent Engstrom
     --    Colin Walton
     --    James Warhola
     --    Jeff Zapata
     --    Joe Simko
     --    Layron DeJarnette
     --    Mark Pingitore
     --    Neil Camera
     --    Pat Barrett
     --    Strephon Taylor
     --    Tom Bunk

Returning Characters "C" Cards (1:3555 packs Hobby; 1:4254 packs Bonus)

    101c   Evil EDDIE               Joe Simko                    Most Likely to Succeed (at nothing) Award
    102c   Green JEAN               Joe Simko                    Award for Perfect Attendance (at home)
    104c   Leaky LOU                Mark Pingitore               Most Likely to Get Ahead Award
    105c   Haggy MAGGIE             John Pound                   Lifetime Achievement Award
    107c   Dizzy DAVE               John Cebollero               Pet (peeve) of the Month Award
    108c   BETH Death               Tom Bunk                     Ambassador of Goodwill Award
    110c   Smelly KELLY             Joe Simko                    Home Ecch Award
    111c   Smelly SALLY             Brent Engstrom               Boxing Championship
    113c   CINDY Lopper             Mark Pingitore               Babysitting License
    114c   Sappy SARAH              James Warhola                Private Investigator's License
    116c   JAY Decay                Tom Bunk                     Spittin' Spencer & Thick Vic
    117c   Juicy JESSICA            John Pound                   Greaser Greg & Valerie Vomit
    119c   Teed-Off TOM             John Pound                   Catty Kathy & Mark Bark
    120c   Marshy MARSHALL          John Cebollero               Bad Brad & New Wave Dave
    122c   Waxy WENDY               Joe Simko                    Wrinkled Rita & Juan Percent
    123c   G.P. KAY                 James Warhola                Thunder Todd & Picky Nicky
    125c   Retchin' GRETCHEN        John Pound                   Upliftin' Clifton & Basket Casey
    128c   Blasted BILLY            Joe Simko                    Checklist A

Printing Plate Cards (1:2509 packs Base; 1:18,432 packs Glow;Bonus Box Bonus card 1:4254, 468 total)

     --    (cyan, magenta, yellow, black)


    56a    MEL Tin                  56b   Marsh MARLOW
    57a    Chocolate BONNIE         57b   ESTHER Bunny
    58a    Surf's up CHUCK          58b   Regurgi TATE
    59a    Chalky CHESTER           59b   Cringing CARL
    60a    i PADME                  60b   COLLEEN Screen
    61a    Capped CALVIN            61b   Robed ROB
    62a    Knot NED                 62b   TROY Scout
    63a    Chamel LEON              63b   Blendin' BRENDAN
    64a    Sleep LES                64b   Insomniac ZACK
    65a    CHARLIE Down             65b   Peanut PAUL
    66a    BRAD Apple               66b   Apple a RAY
    67a    Egg SHELDON              67b   Cracked CHRIS
    68a    8-BIFF                   68b   Pixelated PERRY
    69a    Sliding SOPHIE           69b   Separated SAMANTHA
    70a    Blown-up BRUCE           70b   Smashing STAN
    71a    FRIDA Spirit             71b   Tie DYNA
    72a    FRED Case                72b   Hidden HERMAN
    73a    ROLL-UP Ralph            73b   FRANK Fruit
    74a    Sketched SAL             74b   Etched ERIC
    75a    GOLDIE Locks             75b   PAULINE Pudding
    76a    Tongue TY                76b   Licky MICKEY
    77a    Instant WYNN             77b   Lotto OTTO
    78a    NICOLE Troll             78b   Orange GINA
    79a    Misfired MERLIN          79b   Spell CASTOR
    80a    Piranha FINN             80b   Devoured HOWARD
    81a    ALLEN Formation          81b   JOSÉ Hoax
    82a    TAD Tris                 82b   Puzzled PARKER
    83a    Dominated DAVID          83b   Little LANCE
    84a    Surprisin' STEPH         84b   Toilet TRISH
    85a    Sheepish SETH            85b   WADE Wolf
    86a    BLAKE Rake               86b   Hit MITT
    87a    Kool AIDEN               87b   Pitcher PIERRE
    88a    Grating GARY             88b   Parma JOHN
    89a    JAKE Mistake             89b   DWIGHT Out
    90a    Mixed-up MICHELANGELO    90b   Disordered DONATELLO
    91a    SHANE Shovel             91b   Sandy ANDY
    92a    PETER Pain               92b   SHAD Ow
    93a    Cheese LOUISE            93b   LIN Berger
    94a    Straw BARRY              94b   Deface CHASE
    95a    Drummed DENNIS           95b   Bongo BART
    96a    Booger Barack            96b   Handy HUSSEIN
    97a    Luau LUANN               97b   PEG Roast
    98a    Firey FRANCIS            98b   Reptilian KILLIAN
    99a    DEE Seeded               99b   GRACE Vine
   100a    Abduct JED               100b  Take KEN
   101a    Nasty NICK               101b  Garlic RICK
   102a    Buggy BETTY              102b  Squashed SOPHIA
   103a    GENE E.                  103b  GRANT Wishes
   104a    Drippy DAN               104b  Watery WYATT
   105a    Weird WENDY              105b  Wicked WANDA
   106a    Roller DEBBIE            106b  KATE Skate
   107a    OLIVER Twisted           107b  BRETT Towel
   108a    Grim JIM                 108b  Last Leg LENNY
   109a    Charming CHESSIE         109b  Jeweled JULIA
   110a    DOUG Plug                110b  TREY Spray
   111a    Fishy PHYLLIS            111b  Tuna NETTIE
   112a    Leafy LARRY              112b  Waterin' WALTER
   113a    Guillo TINA              113b  Headless HARRIET
   114a    Haunted FORREST          114b  TIM Ber
   115a    Duster DOROTHY           115b  TAYLOR Twister
   116a    Dead TED                 116b  Deliver ROY
   117a    Green DEAN               117b  Vicious VENUS
   118a    MATT Hatter              118b  Tea Time TERENCE
   119a    JOEL Hole                119b  PEYTON Paddle
   120a    ALI Gator                120b  Skinned SAM
   121a    LEO TAMER                121b  Cir GUS
   122a    Cute TIPPI               122b  Eerie ERIN
   123a    HECTOR Collector         123b  Hoardin' JORDAN
   124a    Gargoyle DOYLE           124b  STONE Sculpture
   125a    Ill JILL                 125b  Mothy MARTHA
   126a    CURT the Rope            126b  Halfed HARRY
   127a    PAT of Gold              127b  Lepre SHAUN
   128a    ADAM Bomb                128b  Protestin' PRESTON


    56a    MEL Tin                  56b   Marsh MARLOW
    57a    Chocolate BONNIE         57b   ESTHER Bunny
    58a    Surf's up CHUCK          58b   Regurgi TATE
    59a    Chalky CHESTER           59b   Cringing CARL
    60a    i PADME                  60b   COLLEEN Screen
    61a    Capped CALVIN            61b   Robed ROB
    62a    Knot NED                 62b   TROY Scout
    63a    Chamel LEON              63b   Blendin' BRENDAN
    64a    Sleep LES                64b   Insomniac ZACK
    65a    CHARLIE Down             65b   Peanut PAUL
    66a    BRAD Apple               66b   Apple a RAY
    67a    Egg SHELDON              67b   Cracked CHRIS
    68a    8-BIFF                   68b   Pixelated PERRY
    69a    Sliding SOPHIE           69b   Separated SAMANTHA
    70a    Blown-up BRUCE           70b   Smashing STAN
    71a    FRIDA Spirit             71b   Tie DYNA
    72a    FRED Case                72b   Hidden HERMAN
    73a    ROLL-UP Ralph            73b   FRANK Fruit
    74a    Sketched SAL             74b   Etched ERIC
    75a    GOLDIE Locks             75b   PAULINE Pudding
    76a    Tongue TY                76b   Licky MICKEY
    77a    Instant WYNN             77b   Lotto OTTO
    78a    NICOLE Troll             78b   Orange GINA
    79a    Misfired MERLIN          79b   Spell CASTOR
    80a    Piranha FINN             80b   Devoured HOWARD
    81a    ALLEN Formation          81b   JOSÉ Hoax
    82a    TAD Tris                 82b   Puzzled PARKER
    83a    Dominated DAVID          83b   Little LANCE
    84a    Surprisin' STEPH         84b   Toilet TRISH
    85a    Sheepish SETH            85b   WADE Wolf
    86a    BLAKE Rake               86b   Hit MITT
    87a    Kool AIDEN               87b   Pitcher PIERRE
    88a    Grating GARY             88b   Parma JOHN
    89a    JAKE Mistake             89b   DWIGHT Out
    90a    Mixed-up MICHELANGELO    90b   Disordered DONATELLO
    91a    SHANE Shovel             91b   Sandy ANDY
    92a    PETER Pain               92b   SHAD Ow
    93a    Cheese LOUISE            93b   LIN Berger
    94a    Straw BARRY              94b   Deface CHASE
    95a    Drummed DENNIS           95b   Bongo BART
    96a    Booger Barack            96b   Handy HUSSEIN
    97a    Luau LUANN               97b   PEG Roast
    98a    Firey FRANCIS            98b   Reptilian KILLIAN
    99a    DEE Seeded               99b   GRACE Vine
   100a    Abduct JED               100b  Take KEN
   101a    Nasty NICK               101b  Garlic RICK
   102a    Buggy BETTY              102b  Squashed SOPHIA
   103a    GENE E.                  103b  GRANT Wishes
   104a    Drippy DAN               104b  Watery WYATT
   105a    Weird WENDY              105b  Wicked WANDA
   106a    Roller DEBBIE            106b  KATE Skate
   107a    OLIVER Twisted           107b  BRETT Towel
   108a    Grim JIM                 108b  Last Leg LENNY
   109a    Charming CHESSIE         109b  Jeweled JULIA
   110a    DOUG Plug                110b  TREY Spray
   111a    Fishy PHYLLIS            111b  Tuna NETTIE
   112a    Leafy LARRY              112b  Waterin' WALTER
   113a    Guillo TINA              113b  Headless HARRIET
   114a    Haunted FORREST          114b  TIM Ber
   115a    Duster DOROTHY           115b  TAYLOR Twister
   116a    Dead TED                 116b  Deliver ROY
   117a    Green DEAN               117b  Vicious VENUS
   118a    MATT Hatter              118b  Tea Time TERENCE
   119a    JOEL Hole                119b  PEYTON Paddle
   120a    ALI Gator                120b  Skinned SAM
   121a    LEO TAMER                121b  Cir GUS
   122a    Cute TIPPI               122b  Eerie ERIN
   123a    HECTOR Collector         123b  Hoardin' JORDAN
   124a    Gargoyle DOYLE           124b  STONE Sculpture
   125a    Ill JILL                 125b  Mothy MARTHA
   126a    CURT the Rope            126b  Halfed HARRY
   127a    PAT of Gold              127b  Lepre SHAUN
   128a    ADAM Bomb                128b  Protestin' PRESTON

PARALLEL GOLD-BORDER BASE STICKERS (1:70 Hobby packs; limited to 85)

    56a    MEL Tin                  56b   Marsh MARLOW
    57a    Chocolate BONNIE         57b   ESTHER Bunny
    58a    Surf's up CHUCK          58b   Regurgi TATE
    59a    Chalky CHESTER           59b   Cringing CARL
    60a    i PADME                  60b   COLLEEN Screen
    61a    Capped CALVIN            61b   Robed ROB
    62a    Knot NED                 62b   TROY Scout
    63a    Chamel LEON              63b   Blendin' BRENDAN
    64a    Sleep LES                64b   Insomniac ZACK
    65a    CHARLIE Down             65b   Peanut PAUL
    66a    BRAD Apple               66b   Apple a RAY
    67a    Egg SHELDON              67b   Cracked CHRIS
    68a    8-BIFF                   68b   Pixelated PERRY
    69a    Sliding SOPHIE           69b   Separated SAMANTHA
    70a    Blown-up BRUCE           70b   Smashing STAN
    71a    FRIDA Spirit             71b   Tie DYNA
    72a    FRED Case                72b   Hidden HERMAN
    73a    ROLL-UP Ralph            73b   FRANK Fruit
    74a    Sketched SAL             74b   Etched ERIC
    75a    GOLDIE Locks             75b   PAULINE Pudding
    76a    Tongue TY                76b   Licky MICKEY
    77a    Instant WYNN             77b   Lotto OTTO
    78a    NICOLE Troll             78b   Orange GINA
    79a    Misfired MERLIN          79b   Spell CASTOR
    80a    Piranha FINN             80b   Devoured HOWARD
    81a    ALLEN Formation          81b   JOSÉ Hoax
    82a    TAD Tris                 82b   Puzzled PARKER
    83a    Dominated DAVID          83b   Little LANCE
    84a    Surprisin' STEPH         84b   Toilet TRISH
    85a    Sheepish SETH            85b   WADE Wolf
    86a    BLAKE Rake               86b   Hit MITT
    87a    Kool AIDEN               87b   Pitcher PIERRE
    88a    Grating GARY             88b   Parma JOHN
    89a    JAKE Mistake             89b   DWIGHT Out
    90a    Mixed-up MICHELANGELO    90b   Disordered DONATELLO
    91a    SHANE Shovel             91b   Sandy ANDY
    92a    PETER Pain               92b   SHAD Ow
    93a    Cheese LOUISE            93b   LIN Berger
    94a    Straw BARRY              94b   Deface CHASE
    95a    Drummed DENNIS           95b   Bongo BART
    96a    Booger Barack            96b   Handy HUSSEIN
    97a    Luau LUANN               97b   PEG Roast
    98a    Firey FRANCIS            98b   Reptilian KILLIAN
    99a    DEE Seeded               99b   GRACE Vine
   100a    Abduct JED               100b  Take KEN
   101a    Nasty NICK               101b  Garlic RICK
   102a    Buggy BETTY              102b  Squashed SOPHIA
   103a    GENE E.                  103b  GRANT Wishes
   104a    Drippy DAN               104b  Watery WYATT
   105a    Weird WENDY              105b  Wicked WANDA
   106a    Roller DEBBIE            106b  KATE Skate
   107a    OLIVER Twisted           107b  BRETT Towel
   108a    Grim JIM                 108b  Last Leg LENNY
   109a    Charming CHESSIE         109b  Jeweled JULIA
   110a    DOUG Plug                110b  TREY Spray
   111a    Fishy PHYLLIS            111b  Tuna NETTIE
   112a    Leafy LARRY              112b  Waterin' WALTER
   113a    Guillo TINA              113b  Headless HARRIET
   114a    Haunted FORREST          114b  TIM Ber
   115a    Duster DOROTHY           115b  TAYLOR Twister
   116a    Dead TED                 116b  Deliver ROY
   117a    Green DEAN               117b  Vicious VENUS
   118a    MATT Hatter              118b  Tea Time TERENCE
   119a    JOEL Hole                119b  PEYTON Paddle
   120a    ALI Gator                120b  Skinned SAM
   121a    LEO TAMER                121b  Cir GUS
   122a    Cute TIPPI               122b  Eerie ERIN
   123a    HECTOR Collector         123b  Hoardin' JORDAN
   124a    Gargoyle DOYLE           124b  STONE Sculpture
   125a    Ill JILL                 125b  Mothy MARTHA
   126a    CURT the Rope            126b  Halfed HARRY
   127a    PAT of Gold              127b  Lepre SHAUN
   128a    ADAM Bomb                128b  Protestin' PRESTON

Searchwords: jahoc, yr2013, mfrTopps, catGPK 
©2013 Jeff Allender. Comments, updates, & corrections are welcomed!

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