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Once Bitten: Art of the Vampiress
   Asylum Studios - 2013/2014

Notes: Further information and scans are posted on the Asylum Studios 
Facebook feed.

Pack: 4 base cards + 1 or more sketches. 500 packs made.

  No.    Title                Artist

Base Cards

     1   Mother               Amber Shelton 
     2   Vamp Diva            Arie Monroe 
     3   Blood Bath           Chad Heinrich & Tommy Shelton
     4   Snake Charmer        Courtney Rose 
     5   Punk Rocker          Daerick Gross 
     6   Seduction of Blood   David Day 
     7   Midnight Snack       Eric Brock 
     8   Awakening            Frank Kadar 
     9   Into My Eyes         Jen Mercer 
    10   Waiting for You      Jennifer De Paola 
    11   Primal Desire        Mick & Matt Glebe
    12   The Valkyrie         Mike Rooth 
    13   Between Friends      Patti Ross
    14   Playful Bat          Randy Kintz 
    15   Seduction at SAea    Rhiannon Owens 
    16   Harvester of Souls   Richard Cox 
    17   Cowgirl Mel          Scott Barnett 
    18   Gracious Host        Steve Lydic 
    19   Moonlight Mistress   Tim Proctor 
    20   Taste of Ecstasy     Tim Shay 

Artist Sketch Cards (1:pack)

         Adam Braun
         Amber Shelton
         Ashleigh Popplewell
         Chris "Cabbie" Bradberry
         Chris Foreman
         Chris "Oz" Fulton
         Daerick Gross Sr.
         Daniel Wong
         Danny Silva
         David Day
         Debra Quinn
         Elfie Lebouleux
         Emmett Taylor
         Erick Brock
         Fran腔is Chartier
         Frank Kadar
         Gary Kezele
         Gavin Hunt
         George Deep
         Jason Keith Philips
         Jim Kyle
         John Monserrat
         Kimberly Dunaway
         Kristen Allen
         Matt Erkhart
         Nestor Celario
         Nikki Valenzuela
         Patricia Ross
         Puis Calzada
         Rhiannon Owens
         Richard Cox
         Roy Cover
         Scott Rorie
         Sean Pence
         Steve Lydic
         Thomas Makoto
         Tim Proctor
         Tim Shay
         Vanessa "Banky" Farano

10-pack-purchase incentive Foil Chase Card set

    --   (couple, red and green highlights)
    --   (big skull and fangs)
    --   (fingernail to mouth)


PNS001   [Philly Non-Sports Card Show]
BP1      Blood Promo [red-foil blood border; Philly Show raffle; 30 made]

Searchwords: jahoc, yr2013, yr2014, mfrAsylum, catPinup 
©2014 Jeff Allender. Comments, updates, & corrections are welcomed!

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